Martha offers training and facilitation in the areas of Leadership and Ministry Consulting.
Some specific examples are:
- Healthy Congregations,
- Church Board Training,
- Conflict Resolution, and
- Mediation.
Martha has received certification and/or training from the following organizations:
- Byron Katie International, The School for the Work
Facilitator and has been staffing schools since then - Lombard Mennonite Peace Center
- Healthy Congregations Facilitator and Trainer
- Unity Worldwide Ministries, Ministry Skills Development and Training
- Prayer Chaplain Training from Light and Love Ministries
- Emerson Theological Institute
- International Center for Spiritual Living practitioner
Rev. Greg Coles, M.Div.
Rev. Greg Coles, M.Div.
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson (RCA)
Unity Minister
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson (RCA)
Unity Minister
Rev. Ron Fritts
Rev. Ron Fritts
Denise Yeargin
Retired Unity Minister
Denise Yeargin
Retired Unity Minister
Noell Rowan, PhD
Wilmington, NC
Noell Rowan, PhD
Wilmington, NC
This is a sample of glowing remarks and feedback with comments about Martha, "The time just flew by", "I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!", "This was so valuable, it exceeded my expectations." "She is absolutely delightful!" "I appreciated how she stayed interactive throughout." "She is the most credible person I've ever heard on this topic."
What makes it so phenomenal is that Martha offers something that people need and want, in her down-home, and fun style. She models her teachings."
Rev. Susan EngPoole
Louisville, KY
Rev. Susan EngPoole
Louisville, KY
Greg Barrett
Retired Unity Minister
Greg Barrett
Retired Unity Minister
Lin Schussler-Williams
Louisville, KY
Lin Schussler-Williams
Louisville, KY
Beth C.
Beth C.
Janet Bray Attwood
New York Times Bestseller - Co-author of The Passion Test
Janet Bray Attwood
New York Times Bestseller - Co-author of The Passion Test
In our church, the mere mention of her name causes people to light up and lighten up. She has helped me personally overcome so much stress in my life, and she has helped our leaders become more centered, more direct with each other, and more skillful at managing challenges. They already ask when she's coming back."
Rev. Elizabeth Mora
Rev. Elizabeth Mora
Rev. Patricia Bass
Unity Minister
Rev. Patricia Bass
Unity Minister
Lawren Watson
"The Advantage Coach"
Speaker, Author
Lawren Watson
"The Advantage Coach"
Speaker, Author
Rev. Pat Williamson
Senior Minister, Unity Christ Church, Minneapolis, MN
Rev. Pat Williamson
Senior Minister, Unity Christ Church, Minneapolis, MN
Martha goes to whatever extent, in her realm of possibilities, to cut thru the false belief systems that are holding any of us back from our own internal, divinely appointed freedom and she does this with the ease, grace and unconceivable love."
Diane Czerwonka, a life forever changed
Diane Czerwonka, a life forever changed
Barbara L. Morgenstern, Esq.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Barbara L. Morgenstern, Esq.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Pam Grout,
#1 New York Times bestselling author of 19 books
Pam Grout,
#1 New York Times bestselling author of 19 books
Michelle Pruitt
Co-Founder/Board President
Uplands PEAK Sanctuary
Michelle Pruitt
Co-Founder/Board President
Uplands PEAK Sanctuary
Martha is a no-nonsense, extremely expressive and articulate teacher of Truth and principle, and one who not only teaches Truth but lives what she teaches. Last year I had the opportunity to attend a group that Martha was facilitating and was "wowed" by her "command of a room", meaning the presence and sense of all is well that she brings to the moment.”
Rev. Toni G. Boehm, PhD.
Rev. Toni G. Boehm, PhD.
Her embracing yet confronting spirit has brought us deep inner growth and a greater bond of mutual respect and love. She has become an annual reward for us that we all look forward to."
Rev. Chris Jackson
Unity Minister
Rev. Chris Jackson
Unity Minister
In the process of teaching, she is willing to learn in every moment. She certainly delivers lots of content and information, but she does it so that her readers and listeners can get it and internalize it. She engages innate wisdom and intelligence so that the learning is exponential. And she's funny! Her honesty helps us accept and laugh at our own absurdities."
Rev. Marty Newman
Unity Minister
Rev. Marty Newman
Unity Minister
Rev. Felicia Searcy
Thousand Oaks, CA
Rev. Felicia Searcy
Thousand Oaks, CA
Her wisdom falls into the fertile field of your consciousness, and like a seed, may lie dormant for quite some time until the strong shoot of Truth is ready to break the surface. Well rooted, the growing plant-idea thrives and reaches maturity as you flower into purposeful, powerful living. Do not miss any opportunity to be with her!”
Rev. Linda Dominik
Rev. Linda Dominik
Rev. Jude Denning
Senior Minister, Unity of Stuart, FL
Rev. Jude Denning
Senior Minister, Unity of Stuart, FL
Rev. Vicki Vanderhorst,
Unity Minister Canada
Rev. Vicki Vanderhorst,
Unity Minister Canada
Rev. Kurt Condra,
Senior Minister, Unity on the North Shore
Rev. Kurt Condra,
Senior Minister, Unity on the North Shore
She inspires, supports, and uplifts me in countless ways. With her gentle and often humorous recognition of "life on life's terms", she helps me to remember that in life, in people, in relationships, "everything is included". Nothing surprises her! Martha truly lives her mission "to serve those who serve", every day. Martha is a beautiful person who exudes love. Thank you, Martha. I respect and adore you!”
Rev. Rhona Segarra
Minister, Unity of New Westminster Spiritual Community in BC, Canada
Rev. Rhona Segarra
Minister, Unity of New Westminster Spiritual Community in BC, Canada
Debra Madison
Debra Madison
Rev. Ric Beattie
Senior Minister Unity of Royal Oak
Rev. Ric Beattie
Senior Minister Unity of Royal Oak
Rev. John McLean
Unity Minister
Rev. John McLean
Unity Minister
Rev. Christina Garza
Unity of Nashville
Rev. Christina Garza
Unity of Nashville