Mentoring Moments with Martha: Pam Grout

Martha Creek Interviews Pam Grout

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including New York Times Best-Seller, E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich, Art and Soul, Reloaded, and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World). Her mission is changing readers’ perspective, shifting from a problem state to possibility state. She lives from a practice and embodiment of her teachings and writings. Enjoy listening. Please share.

Pam honors the life of her deceased daughter Taz through this inspiring foundational work. The 222 Foundation was launched to honor Tasman McKay Grout who spent 25 short years on the planet inspiring everyone who knew her to live and love better. Everything she stood for was some variation of this theme: create relentlessly, love fiercely, and do quiet, kind things for the underdog.

Each year on February 22, the 222 Foundation AWARDS a $10,222 grant to an innovative project or person with a big idea to change consciousness and therefore change the world.

We look for projects that support the following ideas:

  • A change in perspective is our greatest need. We believe all people (no exceptions) long to be generous and create beautiful things.
  • Today’s hopelessness is based on false premises. We look to defy the old story of scarcity, lack and the need to fight for resources. We aim to prove that the universe, once liberated from no-longer-working paradigms of scarcity, is generative and endlessly abundant.
  • The us against them model is kaput. We believe all humans are interconnected and that even tiny actions have great significance.

    Click here to watch other interviews with Martha.