Martha’s Pearls — A Birthday Gift for the Month of February
Martha’s Pearls reading, and some additional “commentary” (can’t help myself).I desire and take action toward getting “Empowering teachings to the whole of the planet.” Many copies of the books have been sold, downloaded, given away, and handed out at churches and conventions — a true miracle. Now, how can I/we extend the reach? Read the book aloud, record it, and offer it out is the current inner divine idea.
A chapter will be released daily through the month of February. You are welcome to listen, reflect and/or use any way you can, and invite others to the teachings by sharing them.
If interested in co-inspiring with me, click on the link below for the daily readings (and bookmark the page in your web browser so it's convenient to return to).
Martha's Pearls Daily Readings for February 2023
Martha's Pearl Chapter 29
Martha's Pearls Chapter 27
Martha's Pearls Chapter 26 — In Giving We Receive — BE radical
Martha's Pearl Chapter 25
Martha's Pearls Chapter 24
Martha's Pearl Chapter 23
Martha's Pearl Chapter 22
Martha's Pearls Chapter 21
Martha's Pearls Chapter 20
Martha's Pearl Chapter 19
Martha's Pearls — Chapter 18
Martha's Pearls Chapter 17
Martha's Pearl — Chapter 16
Martha's Pearls Chapter 15 — Emotional Intelligence
Martha's Pearls Chapter 14